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Current filter: Last 90 days

Okinawa Sea Turtle Distribution Map

Feel free to explore the map to learn about what types of sea turtles and how frequently they have been seen in Okinawa's waters from submissions through our Turtle Spotters project.

You may feel overwhelmed if all encounters are mapped at once. So you are encouraged to use the filter function provided and you can change it as you please. You will find the filters in the light green color section. Current applied filter is shown, for example:

To change the filter, select options from the drop-down boxes above. For example, you may wish to see encounters in a particular area:
You may also wish to check an individual turtle's movements:
Big Shelly has been far from shy and is a good example to try.
After making a selection, click the 'Apply' button.

Then you will find the filtered encounter list, also markers on the map.

When you click an encounter on the list, or click a marker on the map, then detailed encounter information and thumbnail photos will be displayed.

If you would like to see the larger size of the photo, please click the thumbnail.

ALL PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHTED. Please respect them, contact and get permission from the copyright owner if you wouold like to use a photo.